

15.00 EUR (Per Person Per Day)

This extra charge for stays in accommodation where breakfast is not already included includes daily cleaning with possible change of linen and towels and breakfast.

Our breakfasts are based on organic products and Km zero. Bread, cereals, jams and honey as well as tea, herbal teas, espresso and cappuccino. On request we also serve a continental breakfast with eggs (bio), cheeses and cold cuts.

Breakfast is the moment we value most. Living in a lush garden, immersed in the quiet of the nearby forest interrupted only by birdsong, makes your day start in the best possible way; loads of positive energy and with peace in the heart.

For children up to 6 years breakfast is offered by the house.
For children up to 12 years the cost of breakfast is € 5.

Caffè Nespresso Pocket (10)

5.00 EUR (Per Quantity)

Ferrari Metodo Classico Rosé

35.00 EUR (Per Quantity)

Additional bed 4-12 y.o.

20.00 EUR (Per Quantity Per Day)

Additional folding bed for children from 13 to 17 years.
The rate includes breakfast.

Additional bed 4-12 y.o.

15.00 EUR (Per Quantity Per Day)

Price includes breakfast

Pacchetto trekking

Da un lato l’azzurro del mare, dall’altro il verde dei boschi e della natura incontaminata, per perdersi con anima e corpo tra le bellezze di una terra da scoprire: spiagge sabbiose e alte scogliere, uliveti e boschi di leccio, antiche strade romane e sentieri che si gettano verso la costa.

I diversi tracciati si adattano alle esigenze di ogni escursionista, dai trekker allenati a quelli che prediligono le tratte pianeggianti. Il clima decisamente mite e temperato ne fa una destinazione camminabile 365 giorni l’anno, così d’estate come d’inverno

Pets (Animali domestici)

5.00 EUR (Per Day)

Private SPA

20.00 EUR (Per Quantity)

Accesso privato alla spa a bordo piscina con Hammam dotato di aromaterapia e cromoterapia, area relax, spogliatoio e servizi.

Extra Cleanings

20.00 EUR (Per Quantity)

General cleaning of the apartment excluding the weekly ones that are already included in the price.
Select the amount of days for which extra general cleaning is required.